Meredith Edwards, The Local BloomWhether you’re an entrepreneur or not, this story is about the perseverance of playing the cards you’re dealt and continuing to follow your heart.

Meet Meredith Edwards (Mulcahy).  She’s got our eyes going gah gah over her super cute, absolutely stunning floral arrangements, and our hearts and smiles are filled in awe of her perseverance and head-strong courage.

Two years ago Meredith was laid off from her full time job as a photoshoot producer in Montreal.  She loved her career, but life had to move on, so she and her hubby Patrick decided to sell their house and move here to Cobourg to be closer to family.  But what was a girl, living the creative life in Montreal to do in little ‘ole Cobourg?  Meredith knew exactly what she would do. She made lemonade out of lemons!

One day, as she was purchasing a flower arrangement for an open house, she had a sort of epiphany.  Meredith walked out of that floral shop with the idea to open her very own shop.  After all, she had always loved getting her hands dirty in her garden, often spending hour upon hour perfecting and weeding it (until it was too dark outside).  It turns out that she is also a natural at choosing the perfect flowers to create beautiful, often whimsical, floral arrangements. After their house sold in January 2017, her plan was set in motion as she wrote a business plan, applied for a grant, moved to Cobourg in March, chose the location for her shop, got rejected for the grant and jumped headfirst anyway and opened her shop on July 27, 2017.  Lost job, sold house, moved to a new town, opened a flower shop, all in the span of just a few months. Bing, Bang, DONE!  Talk about determination!

Meredith Edwards | The Local Bloom

Meredith getting Nourished with our Champagne and Roses pedicure

After hearing Meredith’s story, we can’t help but be filled with admiration for her. Door after door was closed, yet she did not lose hope. She understood that these adversities were in fact opportunities, guiding her to a path to true happiness. Not only that, but this woman has a heart of pure gold. The moment you walk into The Local Bloom you feel welcomed with a kind smile and, “hello”. You experience Meredith’s authentic vibe in every aspect of her shop, and she is a huge supporter of other people’s dreams, often inviting other local entrepreneurs to showcase their talents and wonderful goods. Nothing can stop this beauty – not even being 9 months pregnant (her baby girl is due any day now) – and yet always has a smile on her face and embraces us with a quiet giggle.

Through thick and thin, doors closed, and opening windows to let the sunshine in, this woman is destined for great things. We can’t wait to see where this road takes her, but this time it’s her road and she’s doing it her way!

A little more about Meredith:

Age:  35

Nickname:  Moe

Occupation and Business Name:  Owner and Head Floral Designer at The Local Bloom

What’s your favourite part about what you do? “I get to be creative, every day!”

Who is a person you admire? “My dad – he’s the smartest person I know and can do anything he puts his mind to.”

What do you wish everyone would know about you or your business? “I wish everyone would know that the word “local” in The Local Bloom means just that… local flowers, local artwork, local vendors – the goal is to keep everything as local as possible.”

(fun fact: since The Local Bloom only uses Ontario grown flowers – never imports – they last much longer and have a better scent)

What’s your favourite flower? “How can I pick just one?! I’m a big fan of flowers that have lots of whimsy, like cosmos and scabiosa. But I also have a thing for statement flowers like dahlias and heirloom mums.”

What’s a tip that can help flowers last longer? “To help your cut flowers have a longer vase life, you should change the water every 2-3 days, making sure to re-cut the stems at the same time. Don’t forget to use some of the flower food packet you received when purchasing the flowers.”

What’s your favourite dessert?  “Eeeee, as someone with a massive sweet tooth, I’m torn. Although I suppose I can cover most of my favourite flavours by answering: any of the pies from Rockaberry’s (a café chain in Montreal)”

What’s your favourite drink after a long day? “Currently it’s iced tea, but that’s because I’m 9 months pregnant. Otherwise, I do love a glass of wine after a long day (red or white – depends on my mood and the season)”

What’s your favourite local restaurant or store? “Oh boy, this is a tough one – so tough I absolutely can’t choose just one… George & Orange, Craft Food House and The Social

What’s your favourite season? Why? “Summer! Yes, definitely summer because the flower varieties available locally in Northumberland and Quinte areas expands exponentially. This means I get to work with extra amazing, yummy smelling, weird looking flowers.”

What’s your favourite movie?  “Two of my favourite movies (I actually have seven faves) are Chocolat and Lost in Translation”


To learn more about Meredith, please lurk her awesome pages for all things beautiful, floral, local, whimsical and high vibe! 

Facebook: @thelocalbloom

Instagram: @the.local.bloom

Pinterest: The Local Bloom

Web: The Local Bloom

Meredith Edwards, The Local Bloom, Nourish 360 Empowered Magazine

Honour. Cherish.  Nourish Yourself.

because when you look around, life is pretty amazing.

Do you know someone local to Northumberland County who deserves recognition for her perseverance and dedication to self-care and growth?  Nominate her to be illuminated in our magazine, Empowered!!

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